KATIE HOPKINS – For speaking out against the Islamization of Europe, Katie was the target of a jihadi plot to behead her and the British state even funded a play called “The Assassination of Katie Hopkins.” It takes thick skin and courage to speak truth in the face of the mob.

ELISABETH SABADITSCH-WOLFF – She was convicted in court for asking a question about Islamic scripture. Elisabeth’s case makes clear – the rights of Muslims not to be offended now takes precedence over our freedom to speak. She is fighting back.

You are our guest, and as such, you are one of our family.
And just like any family, we plan to share everything; our triumphs, disasters, blazing rows and sulking silences, food, wine and tears. At Katie and The Wolff we start the real conversations that matter.
And because this is our home, you will take us as you find us. And us – you. We can all say what we like. When we close the door to the outside world, we speak as we find. We criticize without caution, support without agenda, and the list of things you aren’t supposed to say is ripped up on our carpeted floor. “Mi casa es su casa” – our home is your home now.
Katie and The Wolff are two very different women. But they are joined by a single cause; to defend freedom.
This unlikely pair are part of an equally unlikely army, fighting back for the values of Western Civilization.
Katie Hopkins is a rogue from the road. Often referred to as the “Biggest Bitch in Britain,” or the British Ann Coulter, she spends her time traveling to the most unwelcome places, where others fear to go. Whether that’s a No-Go Sweden, the migrant camps of Europe, or the white farmlands under attack in South Africa. Jihadis planned an attack to behead her in the U.K. to shut her up. They failed.
Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff is a mother and a housewife by day. But behind her housecoat and her cuddles is a tough woman who has been fighting against the overthrow of Western culture for three decades.
The Wolff is the face behind the recent European Court of Human Rights ruling that declared the right of religious groups not to be offended is greater than the individual’s right to speak the truth. She is the woman who questioned, rhetorically, what we would call a man engaging in sexual relations with a 9-year-old child, if not pedophilia? Her fight goes on.
Together Katie and The Wolff, the bitch and the homemaker, will bring you a truly new perspective on the fall of Western Europe and the need for America to save itself. From the road, from their kitchen and from their hearts – be part of their conversations; in print, in video and in real-time.
Sign up for Katie and The Wolff to become part of the family. Like any family there will be laughter, heartbreak and tears. But like any family, it will come from a place of love. In this case love for the countries we no longer recognize to call our own. And love for our children, who deserve a better future than we are on track to leave behind.
Thank you for joining Katie and The Wolff.
Together, this is where we fight back for Western Civilization.